
Women and minorities

Page history last edited by Dr. Makenzie B. Lystrup 13 years, 8 months ago

Women make up half the bodies in the solar system. Why not half the scientists? 





AAS committee on the status of women in astronomy

Data about women in astronomy; the publication STATUS, which Professor Fran Bagenal of APS has edited, is available; there is advice for women in astronomy. You might be interested in the Pasadena recommendations for gender equality in astronomy


You can sign up for the email newsletter at http://lists.aas.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aaswlist. It's great to get general news about astronomy and news specific to women's issue. The CSWA membership is NOT all women; there are many men on the committee.


APS committee on the status of women in physics

Information about women in physics; the Gazette Newsletter


Association for Women in Science 

Their Washington Wire newsletter is a great source of news for new research and legislation


Association of Women Geoscientists


Society of Women Engineers 




Female Science Professor

blog about life in academia as a researcher and professor


Women in planetary science blog

This is a great source of planetary science news and funding opprtunities. Not all related to women in the field, but mostly.


Women in astronomy blog


Astronomom & Mama PhD

On being an astronomer and a mom






Underrepresented Groups





APS committee on the status of minorities


AAS committee on the status of minorities

SPECTRUM newsletter and great resources


American Institute of Physics minority issues

Interesting reports on underrepresented groups in the physical sciences and in university programs


AAPT committee on the status of minorities


Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science


National Society of Hispanic Physicists

They host meetings


National Society of Black Physicists

A lot of information and resources, offers several scholarships. They also host meetings.


LGBT in the astronomy community

They maintain an email distribution list, which you can sign up for from the website.


Disclaimer: The material on this website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the AAPF program. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the fellows and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. 

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